วันจันทร์ที่ 30 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2550
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2550
วันอังคารที่ 17 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2550
Pornprasert Yamazaki

Over years Pornprasert Yamazaki has worked on issues of Isaan rural life in the midst of globalised socio-economic forces. This was despite the fact that he is half Thai/Japanese. (He identifies himself as an Isaan Thai person, btw.)
For CRACK: the magic clay can do, Pornprasert put on an installation, comprising old used mortars acquired from Isaan people throughout the northeast of Thailand. We found this acquiring process very intriguing and imagine that some forms of documentation of this process could have been artistically interesting. At Baan Silom the mortars were painstakingly stacked to form a see-through cylinder-like structure, on old mattresses painted with images of American dollars. An old transister radio in the middle of this structure was turned on throughout the exhibition. By coincidence the channel this radio was set to seemed to play very dated Thai Luk-kroong (urban) music, which many found rather haunting.

To see more images of Pornprasert Yamazaki's installation, click here.
CRACK: the magic clay can do

Mor Mor Creative Forum proudly present
‘ Crack: the magic clay can do ’,
an exhibition by 11 artists who use clay.
Artists in ‘ Crack ’ includes Anuchai Sripoocharoentong, Be Takerng Pattanopas, Pornpraseart Yamazaki, Pim Sudhikam, Pitt Matrliam, Pratya Raktabutr, Nimmawadee Krainara, Pornphun Sutthiprapha, Emsophian Benjametha, Tikampon Engchuan, and guest artist Udom Udomsrianan.
‘Crack’ is on show at Baan Silom Gallery, Silom Soi 19, Bangkok
14-28 February 2007, 10.00-18.00.Opening Reception on Valentine's night Wednesday 14th February at 18.30 For more info, please call +66-8-6907-2121 or +66-8-1497-4991
email: mormor.forum@gmail.com
CRACK and Mor Mor are kindly supported by Art4D blog
Udom Udomsrianan

Udom Udomsrianan's CRACK, CRACK, CRACK was a large set of cute tiny low-level seats, made of wood and fired clay, each with counting marks (or a mark) on the top surface. After CRACK: the magic clay can do, these seats became parts of Udom's new collections under his own furniture brand Planet 2001. Viewers could associate themselves with numbers, according to their own experiences, or personal histories.

Since the beginning of the new millennium Udom Udomsrianan has become well-known worldwide for his furniture design branded Planet 2001, esp. the Threesome Noodles chair. Udom's works were included in many exhibitions all over America and Europe, including the prestigious Centre George Pompidou.
Initially trained in fine arts from Silpakorn University, Udom now works both as designer and artist, with his wonderful sense for forms. It should be mentioned that Udom's seats showed in CRACK: the magic clay can do were made, at the internationally infamous Tao-Hong-Tai pottery with endless generous support from its design director,Wasinburee Supanichvoaraparch.
To see more images of Udom's Crack, Crack, Crack, click here.
วันจันทร์ที่ 16 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2550
Emsophian Benjametha

Renaissance was the title of
Emsophina Benjametha's works in CRACK.

He saw clay (in other word, soil) as a medium of growth and decay.
As designer he constantly experimented with materials;
and so did he with this piece.

Paper pulp was added to Tao Hong Tai red clay, and the mixture was applied to a mesh+wood structure, resulting in a simple, yet sophisticated rectilinear wall piece, with holes and cracks in the 'right' places.
Controlling the uncontrollable?
Preserving the unpreservable?
Btw, the piece would have looked sooooo much better,
ahemmm... without the cute little plants and cute white little pebbles.
Well, just another personal opinion.
Emsophian Benjametha studied in Bangkok, later at Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Versailles, and got his Master Degree from Ecole Nation Superieue des Arts Decoratifs, Paris. Currently he works full-time as product designer for the furniture design firm, Planet 2001.
See also http://www.waterlilly.lv/rus/emsophian.html
For more images of his Renaissance, click here.
Tikumporn Engchuan

Tikumporn's hand-built porcelain pieces resembles sea creatures, yet they don't look exactly like them as they could be something very alien too. On second look, one recalls the scientific studies of the world first biomathematician D'arcy Wentworth Thompson.

This was the first time Tikumporn showed her works outside commercial contexts, since her graduation. She of course still has a lot of potential to develop her personal works, such as these, by keeping her mind open, and her brain informed. Tikumporn Engchuan was born in the South of Thailand and a Silpakorn Univiersity's graduate. She now works as designer for a craft company Fai Sor Kam.
To see more of her works in CRACK, click here.
Nimawadee Krainara

Nimmawadee Krainara's works are all about concealing and revealing. Set on three specially made rusty iron tables, on which she placed many clay blocks, buried objects representing her thoughts within. To conceal her secret history? Some clay blocks were fired, some still raw.

Yet almost every one of them cracked; thus revealed the secrets she went so far to hide... from who? The thought was more revealed though her scribbles on the tables. 'secrets', 'greed', 'nostalgia', etc. All of the clay blocks were somehow 'mirrored' through the black and white photographs of themselves, arranged among them. Secrets overstated? The viewers will decide.
An industrial design graduate from ChulalongkornUniversity, Nimmawadee Krainara was responsible for product development of Doi Tung crafts, a spin-off company of the Princess Mother Foundation (Mae Fah Luang). She now works as freelance designer.
Click here to see more of this piece in CRACK.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2550
CRACK: curatorial statement
Mormor creative forum proudly presents ‘CRACK: the magic clay can do’, an exhibition of objects by 11 artists/designers who use clay. Clay has beeen used for sketching and realizing their ideas. Technically, clay is so malleable it can be transformed almost endlessly. That is why clay has an enormous historical baggage that makes most of us expect and limit what it can be.
CRACK: the magic clay can do challenges your expectations and explores what clay can possibly become. The 11 artists/designers let their imaginations break the mould and take the viewer to new terrains of clay.

อาศรมนักสร้าง Mormor ภูมิใจเสนอ นิทรรศการ CRACK: the magic clay can do โดยนักสร้าง 11 คน ที่มารวมเป็นกลุ่มก้อนสร้างงานจาก “ดิน” ● ดิน–ที่ศิลปินใช้ “ร่างความคิด” และใช้ “สร้างความคิด”ให้จับต้องและมองเห็นได้ ● ดิน-ที่เปลี่ยนรูป+แปรสภาพได้ตามแรงใจ+พลังฝีมือ ● ดิน–ที่มีอดีตร่วมกับคนเรามานานหลายพันปี นานเสียจนจนเราส่วนใหญ่อาจเฉยชินและ “คาดหวัง” ว่างานที่สร้างจากดิน ต้องเป็นอย่างนั้นอย่างนี้
CRACK: the magic clay can do ตั้งใจท้าทายความคาดหวังทั้งปวง แล้วค้นหาความน่าจะเป็นที่อาจเกิดขึ้นจากดิน นักสร้างทั้ง 11 คน ตั้งใจใช้จินตนาการ บีบเค้น ดึงดัน ให้ดินหลุดออกไปสู่ พรมแดนใหม่ที่เราอาจไม่เคยฝันถึง
CRACK: the magic clay can do challenges your expectations and explores what clay can possibly become. The 11 artists/designers let their imaginations break the mould and take the viewer to new terrains of clay.

อาศรมนักสร้าง Mormor ภูมิใจเสนอ นิทรรศการ CRACK: the magic clay can do โดยนักสร้าง 11 คน ที่มารวมเป็นกลุ่มก้อนสร้างงานจาก “ดิน” ● ดิน–ที่ศิลปินใช้ “ร่างความคิด” และใช้ “สร้างความคิด”ให้จับต้องและมองเห็นได้ ● ดิน-ที่เปลี่ยนรูป+แปรสภาพได้ตามแรงใจ+พลังฝีมือ ● ดิน–ที่มีอดีตร่วมกับคนเรามานานหลายพันปี นานเสียจนจนเราส่วนใหญ่อาจเฉยชินและ “คาดหวัง” ว่างานที่สร้างจากดิน ต้องเป็นอย่างนั้นอย่างนี้
CRACK: the magic clay can do ตั้งใจท้าทายความคาดหวังทั้งปวง แล้วค้นหาความน่าจะเป็นที่อาจเกิดขึ้นจากดิน นักสร้างทั้ง 11 คน ตั้งใจใช้จินตนาการ บีบเค้น ดึงดัน ให้ดินหลุดออกไปสู่ พรมแดนใหม่ที่เราอาจไม่เคยฝันถึง
บทความ (Atom)
- CRACK reviewed in Art4D magazine
- CRACK in FreeForm
- CRACK in Art4D Blog
- Pornprasert Yamazaki
- CRACK: the magic clay can do
- Udom Udomsrianan
- Emsophian Benjametha
- Tikumporn Engchuan
- Pornphun Suthiprapa
- Nimawadee Krainara
- CRACK: curatorial statement
- Be Takerng Pattanopas
- Pratya Raktabutr
- Anuchai Sripoocharoentong
- Pitt Martliam
- Pim Sudhikam